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Desert Island Discs Contest Deadline Approaching

Hey, people...

Just wanted to remind you about the contest and approaching deadline. Here's the deal:

I have selected all of my 20 Desert Island Discs and posted the "second tier" 10. To enter the contest, email me your predictions for what albums I will include in my "top tier" 10 Desert Island Discs, to be posted on the weblog this weekend. Deadline to enter is tonight, Friday 6/26, at midnight EDT. Winner (the person with the most correct guesses) gets a free CD of his or her choice from among the 20 D.I.D.s on my list.

No purchase necessary. See weblog for details. One entry per reader. Consult your physician to see if Monsoon is right for you. Avoid driving a car or operating heavy machinery until you are sure how Monsoon will affect you. All rights reserved. ¡Si, se puede!


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