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Monsoon's Weather Update for Friday, 22 August 2008


An updated forecast and WeatherTable…

Weather narrative : Tropical Storm Fay has made a left-hand turn into the Gulf of Mexico and will not affect our weather here.

The humidity rises a bit this weekend, but some showers and storms late Sunday into Monday will disperse the heat and humidity, ushering in a pleasant week.

Not a lot of rain is in our forecast—just scattered showers here and there as noted.

Next weekend (Labor Day) is looking fantastic aside from some rain Friday.

Beyond the forecast: After perhaps reaching 90 degrees in the first few days of September, the temperature will drop precipitously, with highs getting only into the mid 70s and lows dipping well into the 50s.


Posted on Friday, August 22, 2008 at 11:08AM by Registered CommenterMonsoon Martin in | CommentsPost a Comment | References1 Reference

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  • Response
    Response: .
    It seem that weather is going to be pretty pleasant for a while which gives me the idea to have tour. Beside that it is the perfect weather to have some outdoor tour with your family.

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