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Monsoon's Weather Update for Thursday, 5 June 2008

My friends,

I’ve decided to try something a bit new for this forecast: I’ve included a WeatherTable and a standard, day-by-day weather narrative. You’ll enjoy the coming week or so if you like things hot and sticky…


Thu 6/5  - Mainly cloudy with some breaks of sunshine. Temperatures will be fairly moderate, but humidity will make it feel a bit warmer than it is. Look for a stray thunderstorm or two late in the afternoon. High 79, low 64.

Fri 6/6  - Plenty of sunshine, somewhat warm and quite humid. High 86, low 65.

Sat 6/7  - Partly to mostly sunny, hot and humid. High 94, low 69.

Sun 6/8  - Partly cloudy and continued very humid with near-record heat; look for a shower or thunderstorm in the late afternoon or early evening. High 96, low 71.

Mon 6/9  - Partly cloudy and hot with humidity dropping a bit, but the heat wave continues. High 93, low 70.

Tue 6/10  - Sun mixing with clouds. High 89, low 64.

Wed 6/11  - Sunny and clear; moderating temperatures. High 83, low 58.

Thu 6/12  - Partly to mostly cloudy with a slight chance of rain in the evening. High 78, low 57.

Fri 6/13  - Partly cloudy and warmer. High 89, low 63.

Sat 6/14  - Partly sunny and warmish. High 87, low 65.

Sun 6/15  - Sunny to begin with, then turning cloudy and rainy late. High 84, low 67.

Mon 6/16  - Sunny, clear, and pleasant. High 80, low 55.

Tue 6/17  - Sunny, clear, and lovely. High 81, low 58.

Beyond  - Weather will be more appropriate for mid-June: highs in the mid 70s to near 80; lows in the upper 50s to low 60s. By the end of June, look for the season’s next heat wave (a prolonged period of excessively hot and abnormally humid days; the guidelines for usage of this term vary, but typically we look for heat indices above 90 for at least three consecutive days).


Posted on Thursday, June 5, 2008 at 08:13AM by Registered CommenterMonsoon Martin in | CommentsPost a Comment

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