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Monsoon Martin's I'm Back! Weather Update

Hey, weather-friends,

It has been several weeks since I have addressed you all, and fortunately it’s been a quiet weather period so you weren’t missing out on vital information or anything. I thought I’d take a few moments to offer you an explanation of my absence, provide a forecast and a new post to boot.

My absence was partially due to a heavy workload (Term Paper grading) and partially due to pain. About the Term Paper grading I have little to say, except that the ordeal will be over for another year when I’ve graded the final drafts later this month. About the pain, which held a vise-like grip on my extreme lower back for a couple of weeks off and on, I will speculate briefly about its cause: slipping on ice at Vision Volkswagen; hunching over miserably grading term papers; and careening colossally off a rolling desk chair prior to the winter holiday. I dare not say more for fear of implicating my abettors and arousing the suspicions of The Man.


Weather narrative: First, I want to announce a small change to the WeatherTable: I have eliminated the wind speed column and will only remark on wind when it is notably strong or pungent. The unseasonably warm weather, with highs reaching well into the 60s, is coming to an end, but temperatures aren’t going to plunge below normal for another week or so.

I don’t see any really compelling winter weather potentialities on the horizon here. Perhaps toward the end of the forecast period (the 21st, 22nd) we may see a moderate snowstorm. Stay tuned.


Posted on Wednesday, January 9, 2008 at 02:16PM by Registered CommenterMonsoon Martin in , | Comments2 Comments

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Reader Comments (2)

Am I the only person who saw an ominous black rectangle obscuring the top half of the weather chart? I am not sure if that is an error or if we are in for some harrowing weather.

January 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterHelldog

Congratulations on being my first "commenter" on the weblog! I checked out the posting and did not see the black bar. Can you try to load it again and see if you have the same problem? And anyone else who has difficulty seeing the WeatherTable on the weblog...could you email me?

January 9, 2008 | Registered CommenterMonsoon Martin

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