The Hasselhoffs Discussion Forum > The Hasselhoffs - Episode 2 - "Addiction"
"I'm 57 years old! I need coffee!!" So much shouting.
I don't know how much more I can take of these girls. Really.
Coco and her addiction to tennis balls??!
Hay and Tay. Tay and Hay. I can't handle it.
Taylor-Ann is 20; Hayley is 18. Just thought you'd like to know.
Ads: Home Depot, rom-com trailer, dishwashing liquid.
The show tonight is sponsored by Boston Market, purveyor of foul, "homestyle" meals. It will make your insides unhappy. Initials are B.M. for a reason...
"My dog has a severe addiction to tennis balls..." and the person on the other end of the phone is taking her seriously????
Hoff's shirt: "Drop it like it's Hoff."
Hoff defends Coco: "Why take away his joy?"
And: "It doesn't mean he's addicted to balls." No comment.
David Hasselhoff talking to a dog about finding a good hiding spot for his balls is not nearly as riveting as you'd think.
Now Hay and Tay are trying to write a song. And Hay is wearing a dumb hat.
I'm thinking that, over all, this just isn't that riveting. And if I am not riveted--I, who have an abiding and well-documented love for all things Hoff--then what about casual viewers?
This film about Micky Ward ("The Fighter") is supposed to be great. Cast includes Mark Wahlberg, Amy Adams, Christian Bale. And Ward is a riveting figure. Looking forward to it.
"Addictive personality" - too many pets.
Patrice, the dog psychologist -- or "animal communicator" -- is here. It's dumb.
"She just wants to feel more like a member of the family." She's going to die if she keeps having high anxiety. David is playing this for great laughs.
"So you're saying that it's our fault that she's addicted to balls?" - can we stop? Does anyone hear this?
Saw this coming a mile away - Taylor-Ann gives in and drinks the Red Bull. Incidentally, I've never tasted Red Bull. I imagine that it tastes like antifreeze.
Family dinner with Hoff, Hay, Tay, and Coco.
Enough with the Hoffspace.
"You cheated!"
It's like a bad sitcom, really. "Okay, so I had a sip of coffee, so what?" "Not cool, dad!" Ick.
Last words: "Well Coco, I guess it's you and me."
I have to digest all of this, but I have to say it was fairly disappointing. Other thoughts? Reply to this thread or email me at
"Turbo Boost" - first reference in this episode to KR. And several more. So it's all about caffeine.