First Weather Forecast of the 2009-2010 School Year!
Monday, September 7, 2009 at 03:09PM
Monsoon Martin in Jibba-Jabba, Weather Reports

...but before we get to the weather, let me offer hearty and enthusiastic birthday wishes to Mallory King, who turns one tomorrow!  As the Germans would say, "Alles Gute zum Geburtstag; auf dass den Hasselhoffskraft lächelen über Sie an!" which means, "Best wishes on your birthday; may the power of the Hasselhoff smile upon you!"

Now, onto the weather...

We've been in a dry period of late, and it looks like high pressure will predominate for the foreseeable future here in the region: even when I'm forecasting rain over the next two weeks or so, it's just a sprinkle here and a shower there for the most part.  Enjoy...

Mon 9/7  partly sunny, clouding up late; slight chance of a shower or two.  High 76 / Low 56

Tue 9/8  more clouds than sun, breezy; perhaps a bit of drizzle or even a shower.  High 79 / Low 58

Wed 9/9  breezy, clouds dominate; drizzle or a few showers in the evening or at night.  High 74 / Low 62

Thu 9/10  partly to mostly sunny, breezy and cooler; isolated showers late.  High 69 / Low 56

Fri 9/11  partly to mostly sunny and pleasant.  High 75 / Low 58

Sat 9/12  mostly sunny with patchy clouds.  High 78 / Low 60

Sun 9/13  sun mixed with clouds.  High 79 / Low 61

Mon 9/14  increasingly cloudy.  High 76 / Low 54

Tue 9/15  partly sunny, more humid and cloudy with a few showers in the evening.  High 79 / Low 53

Wed 9/16  cloudy with periods of rain; clearing late.  High 72 / Low 53

Thu 9/17  mostly clear and pleasant.  High 68 / Low 50

Fri 9/18  cooler; sunny and pleasant.  High 65 / Low 46

Sat 9/19  sunny, clear, and damn near perfect.  High 70 / Low 48

Beyond  high temperatures climbing through the 70s for a few days following the forecast period, then seasonably cooler as we head into autumn.


Article originally appeared on monsoonmartin (
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