Monsoon's Weather Forecast, with WeatherTable
Monday, September 28, 2009 at 10:54PM
Monsoon Martin in Weather Reports

Hey, everyone…

I’ve caught my breath after the beginning-of-the-school-year sprint and thought I’d produce a forecast—complete with the first WeatherTable of the 2009-2010 school year.  Weather-friends, I am also looking for suggestions: weather features, forecast tweakage, topic ideas…

The weather:

Weather narrative: Fall-like weather is here.  Highs will be mainly in the 60s, lows in the 40s.  (Toward the end of the forecast, it’s looking like 50s-30s!)  Days to be on the lookout for rain include Saturday 10/3 (relative washout), Sunday 10/4 (just a few showers or a storm), and Thursday 10/8 (a few morning showers).

Beyond the forecast: At this point it’s looking like we’ll have a rainy start to the week, with precipitation possible on Monday 10/12 and Tuesday 10/13.  Look for temperatures cooler than normal and a bit more precipitation than normal as we head into mid-October…


Article originally appeared on monsoonmartin (
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