Monsoon's Weather Update for Tuesday, 20 May 2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008 at 09:06AM
Monsoon Martin in Weather Reports

My friends,

I’d like to begin by saying Happy Birthday to our trusty companion Sasha, who was born on this day a number of years ago (a lady is never asked to reveal her age).


(And, so she doesn’t feel left out, hello to her younger sister Ruthie too.)


Below is the weather forecast; I will send an update if it appears this weekend’s weather will be substantively different from what I’ve indicated here.


Weather narrative: Rainy and cool today; there’s a chance of a shower or two tomorrow, but it shouldn’t be a washout. Then things really get nice for the long Memorial Day weekend: as of now, Friday through Monday look fantastic.

Next week looks to be rather pleasant as well for the most part, but rain will return by the end of the week. Next weekend is looking wet and dreary, unfortunately.

Beyond the forecast: Looking for a warm-up into early June. Specifically, June 2nd (Mifflin’s graduation) looks to be in the 80s with the chance of afternoon or evening thunderstorms. (At least there’s no need for lining up outside the Intermediate School prior to commencement this year, which will be held in the Sovereign Center.)


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